Thursday, October 30, 2008

Doll Collecting ; How To Get Started

By : Anne Miller
If you like dolls and having them around then you might try starting your own doll collection. You can look on the internet to start as there are many clubs and chat rooms specifically for doll collectors.

There are also magazines and books to help you get you started. In many areas there are also doll stores which will probably know quite a bit about dolls. The most important thing is to make the collection something you will be happy with not just for the worth or how popular they are.

You should start by deciding what kind of dolls you want to collect. You can have dolls from different countries, or only by exclusive doll makers, or a collection of totally different dolls. It’s all up to you.

If you pick a certain type of doll you can do some research on it to learn about the dolls history or value because if you collect a certain type you should be an expert. In learning about the doll other aspects of the doll that should be known are the materials the doll is made of, the clothes and the doll. The more you are an expert on the dolls that you have the better off you’ll be when you want to buy a doll that can be worth something.

A nice aspect of collecting dolls is that it can be a financial investment and profitable over time. Dolls, like other collectibles, increase in value over time. This is a good and bad thing when collecting as a doll you would really like but perhaps too expensive but on the other hand a doll that can be reasonable now could be worth a lot later.

You can start a doll collection anywhere from a second hand store to an antique doll store. You can pick whatever collection you would like whether it is a fancy valuable collection or a personalized one where the dolls have more sentimental value. Whatever you choose, doll collecting is a great hobby for young and old alike, and will bring you countless hours of pleasure.